Install instructions

  1. Check out your ICS tree as you usually would - if you don't have your own, use ours:

  2.   $ repo init -u git:// -b linaro_android_4.0.1 รข€“repo-url=git:// -m staging-panda.xml
    Note: Replace staging-panda with the board you're trying to build for.

  3. If you're trying to build something not based on the `linaro_android_*` repositories, apply the patches by unpacking the ics-gcc-4.6 tarball , going to the directory it has been unpacked to, and running `./ /path/to/your/ICS/source`. If you're building from the `linaro_android_4.0.*` branches, this is not necessary and will not work because the patches have already been applied.

  4. Download the Linaro Android toolchain and unpack it somewhere, e.g. in `/opt` or `/usr/local`

  5. Go to the directory containing your ICS sources, and run

  6.   $ make TARGET_PRODUCT=pandaboard TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX=/opt/android-toolchain-eabi/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- systemtarball userdatatarball boottarball
    Note: If you're building for a board other than panda, replace `TARGET_PRODUCT` accordingly - if you've unpacked the toolchain to a directory other than `/opt` in step 3, change `TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX` accordingly.

  7. Wait until the build has finished. This will take a long time.

  8. Write the resulting builds to an SD card using linaro-image-tools:

  9.   $ bzr branch lp:linaro-image-tools
      $ cd linaro-image-tools
      $ ./linaro-android-media-create --mmc /dev/sdb --dev panda --system /path/to/your/ICS/source/out/target/product/*/system.tar.bz2 --userdata /path/to/your/ICS/source/out/target/product/*/userdata.tar.bz2 --boot /path/to/your/ICS/source/out/target/product/*/boot.tar.bz2
    Note: If you're building for a board other than panda, replace the parameter to "`--dev`", and if your SD card writer is a device other than `/dev/sdb`, replace the parameter to "`--mmc`".

  10. Insert the SD card and start up the device.

  11. You should have a working ICS built with gcc-linaro 4.6 now -- if it doesn't work, report a bug

NameLast modifiedSizeLicense

Parent Directory Parent Directory
application/x-tar ics-gcc-4.6.tar.bz2 11-Jan-2018 23:30 7.8K open